Free State Project Reaches 15k



PNN #246 http://WeUseCoins.com

Big Hedge Fund Says Bitcoin Will Be Worth A Lot

MD Attorney General At College Party,0,5177481.story

Seattle Uses Eminent Domain to Turn Parking Lot into Parking Lot

HOOTERS Fires Waitress for Blonde Highlights

FSP Reaches 75% of Goal


The Free State Project reached ¾ of its goal! Saturday, October 26th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 178 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade in those pesky Federal Reserve Notes for something that holds value. The “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint are a perfect solution. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Check ‘em out for yourself, that’s s-u-n-s, “Suns”, .

Now for the news:

“Put a little money in bitcoin.” Those are the words of Michael Novogratz, the Chief Investment Officer of a hedge fund worth 55 Billion dollars. Quote, “Come back in a few years and it’s going to be worth a lot,” he says. He proudly said that he owns some bitcoin. Do you?


In other news, a man who is running for Governor in Maryland was caught on camera at a college party where teenagers were drinking alcohol. The man, named Doug Gansler, used to be the Attorney General in Maryland, meaning, like the Attorney General in *your* state, he was responsible for prosecuting hundreds or thousands of people, most of them for crimes that don’t involve any victims, such as underage drinking. As Attorney general, he not only produced a video discouraging underage drinking, he also argued in court for those who drank underage to be fined or jailed. He claims he was at the college party only for a few minutes to speak with his son. He said it wasn’t his responsibility, and in the photographs that surfaced online, Doug can be seen using his cell phone to record the dancing college students. Is this a man you trust with political power?

In other news, Glen Morgan of the Freedom Foundation writes that Seattle’s city council voted unanimously Monday to steal private property from the 103-year-old rightful owner. In a bureaucratic justification for theft called “eminent domain,” the bureaucrats grant themselves the right to take private property from individuals if it’s in the public interest. Whether or not it’s in the public interest, is up to the bureaucrats. In this case, they said they must seize the property, which is currently being used as a private parking lot, in order to turn it into … a parking lot for bureaucrats. You can read the shocking documents for yourself in this show notes at

In other news, a HOOTERS waitress was fired for wearing bleached highlights in her hair. She claims the owner is being prejudice for firing the waitress based on aesthetics. But…isn’t the whole concept of the HOOTERS restaurant built on the servers’ appearance? Is that not made clear to everyone who works there? Shouldn’t the employer choose what image he or she wants to pay for? They may be stupid and bigoted, but shouldn’t employers have the right to make dumb or unpopular choices? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

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Ian Freeman writes at , quote,

Control freaks in NH beware: the Free Staters are coming. Well, some of us (over 1,400) are already here, but we’re the “early movers”. The best part is yet to come! The goal of the Free State Project is to get 20,000 people to pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.

Today, that goal is closer than ever with the FSP eclipsing 15,000 signers! We’re now over 75% of the way there! Once 20,000 is reached, the official move period will begin where the thousands of signers have five years to pick up their lives and move to the Shire!

If you love liberty and are willing to DO SOMETHING about it, you can be a part of the most exciting and successful liberty movement out there. Please join the Free State Project today and start planning your move to New Hampshire.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Russell Brand Calls for a Revolution


Actor/Comedian Russell Brand is shocking and delighting millions with his guest-edited edition of the New Statesman. On the BBC this week, Brand shared his views, which called for a recognition that the old world is dying and that a new one must be envisioned. Brand hints that in this new paradigm, authority is not bestowed upon aristocrats but instead derives naturally from the self-authority of all individuals. When asked what authority he has as a political commentator who is admittedly disinterested in voting, Brand said quote, “Why is that not my right because I’m an ‘actor’? I’ve taken the right. I don’t need the right from you. I don’t need the right from anybody. I’m taking it.” Some may (rightly) slam Brand for saying things like, “Profit is evil,” when he has clearly profited in order to amass a net worth of approximately $15 Million. But while Brand’s lack of philosophical grounding is somewhat discouraging, his attitude toward the old-world aristocracy is positively refreshing. Watch the interview and tweet us your thoughts @PeaceNewsNow.
Russell Brand’s talk of revolution inspired this episode of Peace News Now:


Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution



PNN #245

Front Yard Burial

Russell Brand May Have Started Revolution

Pepper Spray Cop Gets Settlement

New POS Turns Bitcoin into Cash At Restaurants

Dig up my dead wife? Today is Friday, October 25th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 205 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of . Bitcoin is a new currency that you can send and receive money around the world without using a bank. Learn more at

You’d think the government would leave you alone after you’re dead, but in Alabama, an elderly man is resisting busybody bureaucrats because they won’t let his deceased wife rest in peace. The reason? James Davis promised his wife he would bury her in the front yard. And when she died of old age 4 years ago, that’s just what he did. He installed a vault, the funeral home put his wife in the coffin, and on a Saturday morning, Mrs. Davis was laid to rest before a gathering of family members. It was a lovely ceremony, the plot is maintained with colorful decorations and flowers, and the neighbors have no complaints, saying, quote, “it’s his right.” But the bureaucrats at city hall can’t leave well enough alone. They want James to dig up his wife and move her to a, quote, “properly licensed and approved cemetery.” Less than a month after burying his wife, city hall bureaucrats sent James a letter informing him that he was being sued by the government. Now, years later, the grieving widower has spent thousands of dollars protecting his wife’s burial plot. He lost in Circuit Court, then again this past weekend in the State Supreme Court. Defeated, he warned the bureaucrats that if a government agent so much as set foot on his property with the intention of disturbing the gravesite, quote, “there will be an incident.” So instead of allowing the government to take his wife’s body out of the ground, James offered a compromise: allow him to cremate her body and bury the urn. The bureaucrats agreed. So now if Mr. Davis fully complies with the government’s order, the yard will end up looking exactly as it does now, only with an urn rather than a coffin underneath, leading reasonable people to ask, “What’s the point?” Tell us your thoughts on the Peace News Now Facebook Page.

This story brought to you by friends of — Download the free bitcoin wallet at

Actor/Comedian Russell Brand is shocking and delighting millions with his guest-edited edition of the New Statesman. On the BBC this week, Brand shared his views, which called for a recognition that the old world is dying and that a new one must be envisioned. Brand hints that in this new paradigm, authority is not bestowed upon aristocrats but instead derives naturally from the self-authority of all individuals. When asked what authority he has as a political commentator who is admittedly disinterested in voting, Brand said quote, “Why is that not my right because I’m an ‘actor’? I’ve taken the right. I don’t need the right from you. I don’t need the right from anybody. I’m taking it.” Some may (rightly) slam Brand for saying things like, “profit is evil,” when he has clearly profited in order to amass a net worth of approximately $15 Million. But while Brand’s lack of philosophical grounding is somewhat discouraging, his attitude toward the old-world aristocracy is positively refreshing. Watch the interview and tweet us your thoughts @PeaceNewsNow.

Speaking of the old-world, remember John Pike, the cop who sprayed a group of peaceful UC Davis students with pepper spray? He was fired for his unconscionable actions, but not before receiving almost a year’s worth of pay while on “administrative leave.” But a year’s worth of pay for not working wasn’t enough for John. Adding insult to injury, he came after the university for money next, complaining that he experienced depression and anxiety after the video of him spraying protesters went viral. A judge agreed this week and approved a settlement between John Pike and the University of California wherein he was rewarded $38,000. What do you think about this?

In other news, A Florida-based company called SoftTouch POS builds Point-of-Sale systems for restaurants. This week they’ve announced that they’re integrating bitcoin into their flagship point-of-sale payment system. SoftTouch POS’s President Michael Paycher said, quote, “We believe bitcoin popularity is inevitable” The company uses BitPay as its payment processing gateway. Paycher says the system is suitable for restaurants of any size and can even integrate with a website, allowing customers to place orders online. What do you think? Share your thoughts on our facebook page!

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and BlockChain-Banner#1155cc; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”> . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Man Buries Wife in Front Yard

You’d think the government would leave you alone after you’re dead, but in Alabama, an elderly man is resisting busybody bureaucrats because they won’t let his deceased wife rest in peace.


The reason? 

James Davis promised his wife he would bury her in the front yard. And when she died of old age 4 years ago, that’s just what he did. He installed a vault, the funeral home put his wife in the coffin, and on a Saturday morning, Mrs. Davis was laid to rest before a gathering of family members. It was a lovely ceremony, the plot is maintained with colorful decorations and flowers, and the neighbors have no complaints, saying, quote, “it’s his right.” But the bureaucrats at city hall can’t leave well enough alone.

They want to dig up his wife and move her to a, quote, “properly licensed and approved cemetery.” Less than a month after buying his wife, city hall bureaucrats sent James a letter informing him that he was being sued by the government. Now, years later, the grieving widower has spent thousands of dollars protecting his wife’s burial plot. He lost in Circuit Court, then again this past weekend in the State Supreme Court. Defeated, he warned the bureaucrats that if a government agent so much as set foot on his property with the intention of disturbing the gravesite, quote, “there will be an incident.”

So instead of allowing the government to take his wife’s body out of the ground, James offered a compromise: allow him to cremate her body and bury the urn. The bureaucrats agreed. So now if Mr. Davis fully complies with the government’s order, the yard will end up looking exactly as it does now, only with an urn rather than a coffin underneath, leading reasonable people to ask, “What’s the point?” Tell us your thoughts on the Peace News Now Facebook Page.



PNN Live #35 Sovereign Tactics Randy Stroud


In this episode, I am joined by the creator of Sovereign Tactics, Randy Stroud. I hope he moves to NH as part of the Free State Project. He’s a do-er, and when do-ers get together, they multiply their effectiveness!

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Govt Fines Mom for Breastfeeding

You Break Lots of Laws

Types of People Targeted by Government Agents

Amusing Artwork Sends Message to Politicians

Stop Spanking

(CLIP) Killing isn’t Murder if You Give Yourself Permission

98% civilian casualty

Banksy Builds Sphinx

Keene Pumpkin Festival

CryptoSeal VPN Opts to Close Rather than Grant NSA Access

Google Un-censors Internet with uProxy?


Check out this episode

Undercover Snipers at a Pumpkin Festival?



PNN #244 http://WeUseCoins.com

Snipers at the Keene Pumpkin Festival

Govt Preps for Food Stamp Riots

Woman Defends Home with Gun

Undercover Snipers at a Pumpkin Festival? Thursday, October 24th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 203 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” .

The Pumpkin Festival is an annual family-fun event in Keene, NH featuring thousands of artistic pumpkin carvings. reports this week that this year, 4 sniper teams dressed in plain clothes looked down on attendees from the rooftops. Police refused to answer any questions regarding their presence, leading reasonable people to ask,

Who hired the Snipers at Keene Pumpkin Festival? James Cleveland, Garret Ean, Graham Colson, and TalleyTV reported for   

Graham Colson, an area resident for 15+ years who has been to Keene Pumpkin Fest for just as long, said the presence of snipers was unprecedented. He was able to take the above image of a two person sniper team on the rooftop of the Keene Apartments building overlooking Roxbury & Central Square. They are standing next to what has been identified as an M-24 Sniper Weapon System, the kind the Army uses. Despite their refusal to answer questions the night of the festival, after posted the pictures online, an agent of the Keene Police confirmed on video, quote, “The pictures you put on your website were police officers.” But of what agency? That’s unspecified, and the cops aren’t talking. That’s why the Spirit of Arcadia is calling on YOUR help to identify the snipers. The best photo available shows two unidentified males standing in front of a sniper rifle and a map of downtown Keene as they overlook thousands of Pumpkin Fest celebrants.  An open door reportedly led to the stairs and a ladder behind these two mysterious individuals in civilian clothing. They were likely too focused on the people filled streets to notice the photojournalists behind them.

@LightSpeedLiberty was first to post video of these two men with a nearby sniper rifle overlooking the PumpkinFest attendees while Keene Peaceful Streets has an image featuring the front of the would-be sniper and his spotter.

Can you help identify these people? Use the comments or contact TalleyTV directly at 678.TALLEYTV or

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As the US Empire falls into its inevitable decline, it’s reportedly spending $80 million dollars on hired guns in anticipation of riots in America beginning on November 1st, when the government cuts food stamps. reported earlier this year that 101 million Americans receive subsidized food assistance from the federal government, roughly a third of the U.S. population. 40 million of them are children. Remember what happened in Greece when politicians started cutting back on the goodies they promised the dependent classes? It can happen here, and indeed it already is. Last week when there was a glitch with government assistance cards, WalMart compassionately accepted them anyway. A flurry of entitled government dependents emptied the store shelves in just hours, only to abandon their shopping carts and flee the store as soon as the glitch was fixed. 76% of Americans report having little or no savings. Can we expect the same animalistic behavior from them when hunger threatens their babies? Take personal responsibility for your food supply, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. The fewer the people dependent on handouts, the less likely the chances of violence.

In a related story this week, a mother shows how to take personal responsibility for her and her children’s safety. She was home with her two children, and wasn’t going to let them come to any harm. She heard a burglar in her home, grabbed her gun, and stopped him in her living room. She told him to “get out” and that’s when she said she saw him reach for something. She fired, hitting the man in the shoulder. He ran out the door and was arrested at the hospital. Do you think the mother was right to shoot? Is preparing to defend yourself against intruders a prudent move in the tumultuous times ahead? Do you have a plan of action in case of emergencies? A little thoughtful planning today can go a long way in the event of a sudden catastrophe. If you can read the writing on the wall, do the responsible thing and prepare yourself so that you can be in a position to help others when the time comes.


Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Breastfeeding Mom Charged w Crime


PNN #243

Govt Fines Mom for Breastfeeding

You Break Lots of Laws

Types of People Targeted by Government Agents

Amusing Artwork Sends Message to Politicians

Yuan Goes Global

CrytoSeal Closes Amidst Fears of Govt

Google Invents Proxy for Encrypted Internet Use

Charged with a crime for feeding her baby? Today’s Wednesday, October 24th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 190 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of . Bitcoin is changing the the world the way email changed communication. Learn more about the internet’s favorite currency at .

Laura Trickle breast-fed her 5-month-old son while on jury duty. For that, the Judge charged her with a crime. Now she has to defend herself from the government’s lawyers, who allege that she, quote, “willfully and contemptuously appeared for jury service with her child and no one to care for the child.” But were Laura’s actions willful? Jury Duty isn’t a choice. For Laura, neither is nursing.

It started with an innocent-looking piece of mail from the government, informing her of Jury Duty. She responded that she wouldn’t be able to participate because she’s still nursing her son. The government lawyers insisted she must come anyway. Her son doesn’t take a bottle, so she nursed him quietly during the trial. That’s when the Judge stopped the trial to draw attention to Laura, as if *she* was inconveniencing *him*. Do these bureaucrats realize the disturbance they’re causing in people’s lives? When she got home, Laura received another not-so-friendly piece of mail from the government lawyers ordering her to come to court Thursday, under threat of arrest, to stand trial for the charges against her. Laura says she plans to plead not guilty. She said, quote, “It is not right. It is not fair for us. We’re just trying to do what is best for our children, and we shouldn’t be penalized and fined for it.” What do *YOU* think? Is this a case for Jury Nullification? Should people obey orders because they’re backed by a threats, or because they come from men in robes? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now Facebook Page.

Maybe you think that Laura’s wrong — that she deserves the consequences because she broke the law, and law-breakers deserve to be punished! But consider this:

The Congressional Research Service admits that it doesn’t know the current number of federal crimes. The United States Code is over 27,000 pages, and even if you could count all the crimes contained within, you’d have to look up all the references made to all the other endless bureaucracies’ code books.  If the federal government can’t even count how many laws there are, how can you be certain you’re not in violation of one of them right now?

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, Communism, or the United Nations? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents. This is *not a joke*. Check the link in this episode’s show notes or visit to see the government’s own documents for yourself.

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As politicians in the Czech Republic are gearing up for elections, artist David Cerny drifted a not-so-subtle piece of artwork along the River Vltava. The artwork features a large purple fist extending its middle finger about 7 stories in the air, directly at the seat of the president. Does the Czech Republic have more free speech than the US? What do you think would happen if the same thing were done by an artist in the States? reports that China and Singapore are now directly trading Yuan instead of using the US Dollar as the medium of exchange. Put another way, politicians in one part of Asia have agreed to trade a different piece of paper with politicians in another part of Asia. Those holding US dollars will lose purchasing power. Bitcoin users are not affected.

In other news, CryptoSeal announced that it’s closing shop rather than comply with information requests from the US government. CryptoSeal is a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, which uses encryption to give users privacy on the internet. To protect its customers information from the US government, CryptoSeal said, quote, “it is impossible for us to continue.”

Speaking of tech news, Google is working something called uProxy. It’s a peer-to-peer service that allows you to set up an encrypted internet connection with someone you trust. Google hopes the new technology will outwit government officials by allowing users to bypass their restrictive censorship forever.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

First World Problems Lead in Headlines



PNN #242

Nazis Vs Gays at Philly Rally

Texting Immigrants to Leave?

“Obamacare: Don’t Even Bother”

NYPD Fail Broadway Bomb

Talk about first world problems. Today is Tuesday, October 22nd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 180 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” .

A group calling themselves the Keystone State Skinheads participated in their 7th annual march this weekend in Philadelphia. This Saturday was Leif Erikson day. About 40 people gathered, some from out of state, just to walk with flags and banners to a statue of Leif Erikson in Fairmount Park. There, they spoke about their proud European heritage.

As in past years, counter-protesters were also present and vocal. Some came independently; others came from the Philly comedy group “The Panic Hour.” It wasn’t long before the counter-protesters outnumbered the marchers. Protesters linked arms to block the path and shouted insults at the marchers, attempting to drown out their message with air horns and chants. Comedians Steve Miller-Miller and Kyle Prouty wore dresses and other drag attire, quote, “to make some Nazis uncomfortable.”

25 year-old A.J. Olsen is a member of the Keystone  group who organized the rally. He said, quote, “This is a heritage celebration, nothing more. It’s no different from having a Columbus Day festival. They say we’re hatemongers, but there’s nothing like that on our website. I don’t know why they bother coming here – we’re not here to bother them.”

What do you make of this? Are the counter-protesters hurting their own cause by spewing hate? Do you believe in free speech and freedom of association for ALL people, even those with whom you disagree? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

On a related note, reports that a UK Border Agency sent text messages to tens of thousands of suspected illegal immigrants, and others in error, warning them to leave the country. The texts have already reached approximately 40,000 people. The message reads, quote, “Message from the UK Border Agency: You are required to leave the UK as you no longer have the right to remain.”

British Prime Minister David Cameron quote, “agrees with the principle” of sending such messages. The texting campaign has cost taxpayers $64 million dollars so far and has plans to continue indefinitely. In just the first few days, hundreds of complaints have come in about messages that included smiley faces and wished immigrants a quote, “pleasant journey.” What do you think? Should people obey text messages instructing them to deport themselves? Tweet us your thoughts @PeaceNewsNow

This story brought to you by friends of — Did you know you can open a free online bitcoin wallet at and use it to buy things in real life? Try it today!

Consumer Reports is warning readers to stay away from October 1st, the day of the launch of the Obamacare website, they reported, quote, “If you’re planning to use the marketplace to get health insurance for 2014, don’t worry if you can’t sign up today or even within the next couple of weeks.” A week later they reported, quote, “One week in, is barely operational.” After trying to sign up multiple times per day for weeks, now they’ve completely given up: Quote, “Don’t bother even trying … Stay away from”

In other news, the annual Broadway Bomb took place last week. The event draws in thousands of longboarders from around the world to come together and skate down Broadway. A unique video was captured from above as a swarm of over 2 thousand skateboarders fled past the NYPD, who attempted to capture the skaters in a big orange net. From above it was comedy, but down below, some skateboarders were being grabbed by police and thrown into paddy wagons. Are skateboarders criminals? Is a big orange net the solution? Share your thoughts in the youtube comments section.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

PNN Live #34 Jury Nullification Across Country


Jim Babb is helping set up subway billboards about Jury Nullification in Los Angeles, Washington DC, and New York City. http://WeUseCoins.com

If you would like to support the nationwide Jury Nullification ad campaign, you can use the following links.

Los Angeles, CA

New York, NY

Washington, DC

Other stories featured in this episode:

Cruizer Crusher Stands Trial

Hell’s Angels Resist Govt

IsoHunt Gives Up Hunting

Weed Fairy

Banksy in Bloomberg’s Crosshairs

Man Saves Life, Fired

Friends Hold Protest

Thrown in the Hole for Anarchist Lit

Special Needs Student Suspended for Drawing of Bomb

Check out this episode

Anarchists, Be Careful What You Read!



PNN #241

Weed Fairy

Friends Hold Protest for Man Fired for Carrying Gun

Cheap & Legal: Uruguay Pot

Banksy in Bloomberg’s Crosshairs

Escaped Florida Inmate

Thrown in the Hole for Anarchist Lit  

Anarchists, Be Careful What You Read! Today is Monday, October 22nd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 167 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of . Learn about the new currency that’s taking the internet by storm. Bitcoin is changing the world.

Attention! The Weed Fairy is on the loose in New York City! People all over Brooklyn are seeing posters taped to subway walls and other public places with a message reading, “These are tough times. Take this weed!” And there was actually cannabis attached! So far, reports have indicated that the bud is high quality! The anonymous pot-giver is sending out Twitter Messages under the name The Weed Fairy. Follow along on twitter @TheGardenBreath for more updates!

In other news, Shannon “Bear” Cothran was working alone inside a Shell gas station around 3 a.m. when a man brandishing knife entered and demanded money. Cothran pulled a concealed handgun from his pocket, and the robber immediately fled. The robbery attempt was thwarted, but Shannon was fired a few hours later by the owner of the gas station, Nouria Energy, because they prohibit employees from carrying guns. The store manager and district manager both pled with Nouria Energy to save Shannon’s job, but in less than 24 hours, they had fired their employee of 10 years.

Outraged by the news, protesters rallied outside the gas station Saturday. They believe it’s wrong to fire Shannon for defending himself and the business. One of the protesters said, quote, “Maybe we’ll make them realize that they need to fix their policy and fix the safety of their employees.” What do you think about this? Should a company be free to fire employees who defend themselves? Should your employer be able to tell you that you can’t conceal a firearm? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

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Bureaucrats in Uruguay have proposed a law that gives them the power to control and regulate cannabis. The new law would set the price at $2.50 per gram, but don’t spark that blunt just yet! According to the Huffington Post, the new law, quote, “provides for government control over the entire marijuana industry, from cultivation to consumption.” Bureaucrats set limits on the amount of cannabis individuals can produce. It can only be sold by state-run pharmacies, and buyers have to register with the state and are limited to 40 grams per month. Does this news excite you or frighten you? Share your views by tweeting @PeaceNewsNow!

Bansky is a UK-based graffiti artist who produces art on public buildings. His work centers around social commentary, anti-corporatist, anti-surveillance state, and anti-war messages. Banksy recently announced his move to New York City, where he has already begun producing his signature-style art. But Mayor Bloomberg wants Banksy arrested! Where do you stand on this issue? Is Banksy a menace to society who should be caged for his crimes? If nobody owns public property, can defacing it be called criminal? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Are you an anarchist? Mark “Migs” Neiweem is asking for your help. He wants you to send him pictures of people places and things. But be careful what you send. Prison guards just threw him in solitary confinement as punishment for what they’re calling, quote, “Anarchist literature.” He had a piece of paper that had a capital “A” with a circle around it. For this, they put him in a cell so small he can touch both sides of the walls with wingspan to spare. They also revoked his good time, meaning he no longer qualifies for early release. Mark hasn’t been accused of plotting to harm guards or other prisoners; his beliefs alone are the alleged threat. His punishment includes six months of segregated housing, no access to the prison yard, and no contact visits for six months. He still has 10 weeks left in solitary confinement, but your letters of encouragement can help! Mark said, quote, “All of these acts of solidarity continue to prove how beautiful our humanity and ‘the people’ really are.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode